
Sunday Evening Service - Installation of Office Bearers

Pastor: J. Th. Pronk
Scripture: Exodus 6:1-7, 20:1-3. Text: Exodus 20:1-2
Theme: The Christian Life

  1. Before God's face.
  2. Living out of salvation in freedom.

Psalter 426:1,10
Exodus 6:1-7, 20:1-3. Text: Exodus 20:1-2
Psalter 426:3,4,5,7 (collection during prelude)
Psalter 398:3
Close of Sermon
Psalter 35:4,5,6
Installation of Elder and Deacons
Psalter 436:1,2,3
Continuation installation
Psalter 203:1,2,3 (collection during prelude)